Last Train Home Wiki
Adam Morozov

Adam Morozov is a Red Army General and the main antagonist of Last Train Home.


Morozov previously served in the Great War, during which he gained reputation as a hero.

A Fateful Encounter[]

Morozov is first met in Sukhinichi, where his train is blocking the way for Major Otakar Gazdík's Legionaries. He states that he was visiting his family nearby and that he has a proposition - he ensures safe passage for the Legionaries through Russia, if they hand over their weapons. Gazdík rejects, noting that the Reds would most likely use their weapons against them. Morozov states that Gazdík's group isn't the first one to go through and others have complied without incident, yet Gazdík still declines. Morozov lets Gazdík and his soldiers on their way.


Legionaries meet Morozov in Moscow once again. Morozov uses his train to crash into Gazdík's train. Some legionaries die in the crash but Gazdík and most others survive. Morozov meets Gazdík and again demands legionaries to hand over their weapons. Gazdík refuses and Morozov shoots him. During ensuing shootout Morozov escapes to nearby Armored Car. Legionaries are unable to get to him.

Later he appears in the mission "Dangerous Rendezvous" where he gives a speech to the Reds.

"It is we the people, the heroes, who will unite our motherland! Even if it means our certain death!"

-Morozov's speech

His final appearance is in mission A Soldier is a Human - Nothing Less, Nothing More in which he commands Red forces.


  • There are several possible inspirations for the character:
    • His name and role in the game might refer to Pavlik Morozov, a Soviet youth praised by the Soviet press as a martyr. According to Soviet press he denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family.
    • It is possible that Morozov is reference to General Morozov from Original War, a game which served as an inspiration to Last Train Home.
    • It is also possible that Morozov is based on Ivan Morozov, a Russian cossack who joined the Red Army in 1918 and rose through the ranks throughout the civil war.
  • It's possible that his units are responsible for burning the mill at the beginning of the game.